Deaf to the concert of life?

Deaf to the concert of life?

In my reading this morning I came across this parable: A deaf man buys a ticket to a world famous concert pianists.  The concert includes an orchestra and all it’s glorious pieces.  In finding his seat he decides he wants to be in the middle of the orchestra. ...
Can I Pray for You?

Can I Pray for You?

Sunday at the park we heard another story that illustrates how the conditions in our country are effecting those trying to survive on the streets of our cities and towns. The man told us his story about how his family, who is currently living out of a van, was...
What We Sow ….

What We Sow ….

Often I see well meaning people struggling.  They wonder why there is conflict in their life.  Daily I see where if people would just get back to the basics of their faith, life would be so much easier.  Why struggle with this person or that person?  Why talk bad...
Where is your focus?

Where is your focus?

I am a people watcher.  I watch where they put their time and what they talk about.  It is like a mirror into their spirit that starts to show patterns.  Some of those patterns show up based on age, upbringing, ethnicity, and other factors in their life.  However it...
Good intentions

Good intentions

This has been an interesting week for me.  But of course, I am finding God rarely gives me what I would call normal weeks.  Once in a while I see a normal hour or two, sometimes even a day or two but rarely do I get a whole week that seems “normal”.  This...
It wasn’t supposed to be this way

It wasn’t supposed to be this way

It was another one of those hot summer days in Boise.  It must have been at least a 100 degrees out.  We all stood behind the table to feed our homeless friends in the park as this young man came up to the table.  Early 20’s, fit and clean cut he stood there for...
Blessed are the merciful …

Blessed are the merciful …

“Because in deed and in truth we are all one, component parts of the living garment of God, you yourself will ultimately receive the same treatment that you mete out to others; you will receive the same merciful help in your own hour of need from those who are...
Breaking Strongholds …

Breaking Strongholds …

Ever feel like your life is in some kind of “headlock”?  No matter what you seem to try nothing seems to change.  There are a couple of key things to look at when we are talking about thinking and trying to change something. First lets start with the word...
The Power of Humility

The Power of Humility

I have been watching people all my life.  It is one of my favorite forms of entertainment.  People are truly amazing to watch them live and interact with each other.  Recently I have been spending a lot of time in the biblical text on “The Sermon on the...
Not Just Another Walk In The Park

Not Just Another Walk In The Park

Today was one of those days I am glad to be where God has me.  We had great interaction (yes we interact during church) in church this morning.  I love it when I can ask questions on the things that I am teaching and hear the understanding pour out of those special...