New Life

Seems as if this last year has been a time of great change.  A little over a year ago I walked away from a job and decided to dedicate my time to seeing what I could do in ministry.  More time with God and more time seeking His plan for our lives together as a family.  It was a new experience of taking God at his word and finding out how to operate from the direction of His Holy Spirit.

Much has happened.  After some recovery time spent in healing from the damage of a faith adverse environment of daily work, it was with a clear mind and purpose that I decided to move on.  Living in the past hurts and disappointment wasn’t working towards the change I wanted to see in my life.  It was time to grow beyond the things that the world tells us is who we are.  It was time to ask God who he created me to be.

Since then many new friendships and associations have come our way.  We are more active in change in the Treasure Valley and seeing the participation with other ministries put us in the middle of changing lives.  We have been part of a multi-church Easter sunrise service.  We have become involved with Boise Love Inc. and now are trusted volunteers and teachers.  The homeless ministry will soon see the efforts of change when our new home becomes a place for food production and restoration ministry.

The church has doubled in attendance and shows no sign of slowing down and yet it is still a place of intimacy with the Holy Spirit and worship.  April and I learn new skills each day as we work the land that God has placed into our hands both in the physical and the spiritual.  I have found a new peace within that goes beyond my understanding.  The work is harder.  The joy is pure and each day I get to take my direction from the Holy Spirit instead of someone else.

All that for the price of following God instead of compromising my faith and being limited by someone who had very little care of what was important in my life.  Each day I see new life around me.  I get to see our calves frolic and the new baby chicks adjust to their new home.  That however pales to the new growth I see in those people God has brought into our lives.  We celebrate the growth we see happening in these special people.  We pray deeply for them each and every day.

It was just recently I was in prayer and asked God why we were so deeply blessed?  All I hear is that this is just the beginning.  The more we (each one of us) surrender in faith and walk with His Holy Spirit the more He can show us of His Love for us.  The more I chase after Jesus the more growth I can see that needs to be achieved.  Like Paul I can strive for the most high mark and yet find I still fall short of what Jesus can do through me and in me.  Isn’t that true for each of us.

So this last year has been a time of growth and surrender.  This next year promises to be even more the same, only at an accelerated rate.  It will be interesting to visit the things that have changed in our lives in the next year of surrender and prayer.  Imagine if you will that you believe God’s word that He is no respecter of persons.  What He has done in our lives and greater He can do in yours.  What if your just started a daily quest to ask God what He has for you today and followed Holy Spirit prompting daily?  How would your life change this next year?  How would you grow spiritually as you allow God to work in you and thru you?

I hope this blesses someone today and many others as time passes.

Be blessed and be a blessing to someone today.  Perhaps share this word with them and see if it touches their heart somehow.

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