Faith Is ..It seems in today’s world of religion and faith we have more of a “gas station” fill me up on Sunday type of faith.  One where we go to church, listen to someone talk about belief and faith and then off we go out into the world to be challenged yet again on what we believe.  After a few too many challenges we start to question if God hears us or answers our prayers.

Let me give you a more common example how this doesn’t work in the idea of true faith in God.    Most of you have had a first day at work.  Those of you that have done physical labor work know that first week is tough.  That first day you come home worn out and sore.  No energy and just barely able to get cleaned up and ready for bed.   So in this you either keep going back until it gets better or you quit.  Why do you keep going back?  Because, each day the trials make you stronger and more muscle is built.  After a few weeks the job will seem normal everyday occurrence and you aren’t all tired and worn out when you get home.  You have grown used to the challenge.

Faith is a lot like that type of challenge.  What I notice with many people is that if the challenge is too great they often give up.  In some cases they are angry, resentful, and even hurtful of others that continue to have faith in whatever circumstances they might face.  Really?  I see it a bit differently.  If I face a challenge I want those people around me that demonstrate unshakeable faith.  I want those that stand in agreement with me and not in fear or doubt.  I want someone next to me that isn’t going to quit in their prayer walk with God no matter what happens.  Lastly I want someone that trust’s that God will make the best of whatever the outcome is.

To be clear I put my faith in God to meet my needs and to heal my dis-ease.  It isn’t that there hasn’t been times I didn’t understand what happened or how it could have happened.  There have even been times recently I have asked Him not to put someone through the challenges I see them face.  Only a couple of years ago when someone dear to me was very sick I asked Him not to put me through it.  Then soon after I prayed for the strength to handle whatever came our way.

A gift of faith is not a lack of compassion for the challenges we all go through.  It is finding peace in all that life serves up.  Knowing with certainly God will make the best of it no matter what.    A surrender if you will to knowing that you can trust the love of God.  A gift, that can be applied in any situation that occurs.  Who knows you may just be the one person that stands in the gap for someone and saves their life when they don’t have the faith to make it through themselves.

A prayer for you today:

Heavenly Father,  today I pray that everyone would be given a gift of faith in your works in their life.  That, they would see your hand in the solutions that they often give credit to the world for provision.  Let them see their prayers are being answered in oh so many ways.  Heal their afflictions, even in their doubt filled times.  Call to those that struggle in their journey without knowing you in their lives.  Let them see your loving glory even when they doubt your existence.  And guide us to be that one person without doubt in any situation that your hand is guiding the results, even when we don’t understand.

Be blessed and be a blessing to someone today.  Stand in the gap and strengthen your faith.

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